The Hair Series.
Exploring hair as a creative expression.
"Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals.
Attitudes towards different forms of hair, such as hairstyles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, sex, or religion. Hair has great social significance for human beings.
Attitudes towards different forms of hair, such as hairstyles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, sex, or religion. Hair has great social significance for human beings.
- Wikipedia
Hair, or the lack of it, could be so defining for human beings. When looking at a person, one of the first impressions you would have of them is how they wear their hair. In a world where a woman's rights to her own body is often ridiculed or stripped away from her, hairstyle is one empowering tool to aesthetically exercise the freedom of choice and often mark a power repossession in other aspects. All through time, women have used their hair as a power tool, a soft way of rebelling against a society that is built on misogyny and sexism.